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Monday, March 09, 2015

Crème Caramel Socks

Crème Caramel is my new basic toe up sock pattern. The pattern is written to make knitting these socks easier for new sock knitters. I mainly designed this pattern for my Toe Up Sock workshops (students get a free print copy) but I thought other knitters may be interested in it too. This pattern has extra information and notes which will help you understand the construction.

Crème Caramel are worked from the toe up with a gusset and heel flap. I like to knit my plain socks in a 2x2 rib pattern on the leg and top of the foot but you can work it in stocking stitch if you prefer. 

Instructions are included for Turkish/Eastern cast on and Sewn Cast/Bind Off.

The pattern includes three sizes for adults: 
Ankle circumference: Up to 20, (23, 26)cm/8, (9, 10)in. 
Leg length: Up to 17cm/6½in (adjustable). 
Foot length is adjustable. 

I knitted the sample sock in Schoppel Crazy Zauberball which is one of my favourite sock yarns as it's a fun, colourful yarn perfect for plain sock and it's hard-wearing. The photos are a bit basic but as soon as I've finished sock no 2 I'll do a proper photo shoot but I needed to get the pattern ready for my classes.

Never knitted socks before? New to toe up socks? I'm teaching Toe Up Socks at Sitting Knitting on 22 March. I'm not sure if there are spaces left but contact Sitting Knitting if you're interested.

Prefer to knit your socks top down? My Crème Brûlée sock pattern is my basic top down sock pattern, also with additional notes.

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